
Voss-Tecklenburg: “We have a clear plan”

The Germany women are counting down to their second group stage game at the FIFA Women’s World Cup, as they face Colombia on Sunday (11:30 CEST). Ahead of the game at the Sydney Football Stadium, head coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg and Lina Magull spoke to the press about Colombia’s style of play and the strength of the German team. 

Martina Voss-Tecklenburg on...

…her expectations for the second group stage game: We are expecting it to be a very close, exciting and intense game between two strong sides that both won their opening matches. We have a clear plan in mind of how we’d like to cause problems for our opponents. We know the quality they have in attack, but are also fully aware of our own strengths. We want to play our game and showcase both our attacking and defensive abilities. We will need strong performances across every position. 

…Colombia’s style of play: They are defined by their mentality, their team spirit and their attacking presence. They have a lot of energy and always want to attack. Especially in transition, we will need to close off certain areas of the pitch. We have also found areas where we see possibilities to pose problems for our opponents. 

…potential changes to Germany’s style of play: We have our own style, our DNA, our abilities and our strengths. In general, we are focused on ourselves and our style of play 70% of the time. The opponent has to adjust to us; that’s the confidence that we want to have on the pitch. We also know that when an opponent has speed in their ranks, like Colombia do, that we have to shift our focus a bit. However, we will continue to play the way we want to when we’re in and out of possession. 

…Felicitas Rauch’s injury: It wasn’t what you want to have happen in training. It was a blocked shot that led to a jarred knee, which means that Felicitas will be sidelined for the time being. We are glad that the diagnosis wasn’t anything more serious. I can’t say how long she will be sidelined for. She’s the third full-back that we’ve lost due to injury. We will compensate for her absence as a team and take on this challenge as a team - that’s what motivates us. Our mentality is that we help each other, now more than ever. We will make slight changes to our approach. We have full confidence in all of our players and I’m certain that we will be able to compensate for this injury and turn it into something positive. 

…a potential shortage of options in defence: Before the tournament, we took the time to determine who could play where and who is able to play multiple positions. Naturally, we knew that injuries or absences at certain positions would be worse than others. It’s about support each other on the pitch. Some players have a bit more experience, others a bit less. We’re now calling on those experienced players to step up. The most important thing is that every player proves that they are as well prepared as possible. It’s about minimising and eliminating mistakes, which we will only manage to do as a team. 

…injuries and other dangers: Football is a game of risks. We try to be as preventative as possible. It’s a contact sport and things will happen - it’s unfortunate, but it’s like that in nearly every sport. We’re trying to be responsible in how we manage that. Especially during a tournament, it’s likely that every team will be dealing with injuries. I feel sorry for each and every player where that’s the case. We want to play against the best of the best and also want to give each of our players the chance to get through the tournament with only positive memories. If that’s not possible, then it does affect us, but then it’s our job to see the bigger picture and focus on what’s ahead. 

…the importance of this game with an eye on winning the group: We’re not focused on that right now. We want to tackle one challenge after the other, and have no influence over other results. We’re only focused on ourselves. We want to win the game tomorrow, and then the one after that and the one after that as well. We will first do one thing before we focus on the next. 

…the growth of women’s football in Colombia: We watched the youth tournaments and witnessed a tremendous growth, not only in Colombia, but in South America in general. There’s a real passion and love for football, not just amongst the players, but the fans as well. It’s great that women and girls can show everyone that there is exciting football being played around the world. We’ve witness this tremendous growth in many other countries as well - it’s something you can clearly feel and see. As a federation, we travel around the world in order to broaden our horizons and to see what’s happening in other countries. 

Lina Magull on...

…expectations for the game against Colombia: We know what to expect; it will be a different game to what we saw against Morocco. They will be more aggressive and constantly step on our toes. We’re well prepared for what’s coming our way. 

…Colombia’s physicality: We’re not making a bigger deal out of it than it is. Colombia are helped by their toughness in the tackles, but that’s also something that defines them, it’s how they manage to influence a game. We’re used to that and also always give it 100% in training, including in tackles. It speaks to who Colombia are that they play with a lot of passion. We are prepared to withstand that and will try to play our way out of trouble and look to avoid contact in certain situations. We aren’t afraid; it’s just about having the right attitude. 

…the difference to playing a European team: Teams like Colombia have a certain passion that they bring to the pitch, which I think is impressive. The way they play is different to European football, where the focus is more on tactical elements. What makes football great is that there are so many different faces to it. The good thing about our team is that we are well set up in all areas and are able to play against all kinds of football. 

…what it means to be playing in a World Cup: The World Cup is the biggest tournament you can play in. You’re able to gain so much experience from playing against many incredible countries and players. At the same time, you can also feel the excitement and attention both within Australia, but from home as well. That really means a lot to me and makes us proud as a team, to be able to represent our country. It’s nice to be able to do what we love, and on such a big stage. 

...Alex Popp: It’s amazing to get to play together with Alex. Having her in the team is great, because we all know how good she is. She’s always a threat inside the box. She’s a leader and exudes confidence. She’s someone that you can look to within the team. I really respect her as a player but also as a person. 

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The Germany women are counting down to their second group stage game at the FIFA Women’s World Cup, as they face Colombia on Sunday (11:30 CEST). Ahead of the game at the Sydney Football Stadium, head coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg and Lina Magull spoke to the press about Colombia’s style of play and the strength of the German team. 

Martina Voss-Tecklenburg on...

…her expectations for the second group stage game: We are expecting it to be a very close, exciting and intense game between two strong sides that both won their opening matches. We have a clear plan in mind of how we’d like to cause problems for our opponents. We know the quality they have in attack, but are also fully aware of our own strengths. We want to play our game and showcase both our attacking and defensive abilities. We will need strong performances across every position. 

…Colombia’s style of play: They are defined by their mentality, their team spirit and their attacking presence. They have a lot of energy and always want to attack. Especially in transition, we will need to close off certain areas of the pitch. We have also found areas where we see possibilities to pose problems for our opponents. 

…potential changes to Germany’s style of play: We have our own style, our DNA, our abilities and our strengths. In general, we are focused on ourselves and our style of play 70% of the time. The opponent has to adjust to us; that’s the confidence that we want to have on the pitch. We also know that when an opponent has speed in their ranks, like Colombia do, that we have to shift our focus a bit. However, we will continue to play the way we want to when we’re in and out of possession. 

…Felicitas Rauch’s injury: It wasn’t what you want to have happen in training. It was a blocked shot that led to a jarred knee, which means that Felicitas will be sidelined for the time being. We are glad that the diagnosis wasn’t anything more serious. I can’t say how long she will be sidelined for. She’s the third full-back that we’ve lost due to injury. We will compensate for her absence as a team and take on this challenge as a team - that’s what motivates us. Our mentality is that we help each other, now more than ever. We will make slight changes to our approach. We have full confidence in all of our players and I’m certain that we will be able to compensate for this injury and turn it into something positive. 

…a potential shortage of options in defence: Before the tournament, we took the time to determine who could play where and who is able to play multiple positions. Naturally, we knew that injuries or absences at certain positions would be worse than others. It’s about support each other on the pitch. Some players have a bit more experience, others a bit less. We’re now calling on those experienced players to step up. The most important thing is that every player proves that they are as well prepared as possible. It’s about minimising and eliminating mistakes, which we will only manage to do as a team. 

…injuries and other dangers: Football is a game of risks. We try to be as preventative as possible. It’s a contact sport and things will happen - it’s unfortunate, but it’s like that in nearly every sport. We’re trying to be responsible in how we manage that. Especially during a tournament, it’s likely that every team will be dealing with injuries. I feel sorry for each and every player where that’s the case. We want to play against the best of the best and also want to give each of our players the chance to get through the tournament with only positive memories. If that’s not possible, then it does affect us, but then it’s our job to see the bigger picture and focus on what’s ahead. 

…the importance of this game with an eye on winning the group: We’re not focused on that right now. We want to tackle one challenge after the other, and have no influence over other results. We’re only focused on ourselves. We want to win the game tomorrow, and then the one after that and the one after that as well. We will first do one thing before we focus on the next. 

…the growth of women’s football in Colombia: We watched the youth tournaments and witnessed a tremendous growth, not only in Colombia, but in South America in general. There’s a real passion and love for football, not just amongst the players, but the fans as well. It’s great that women and girls can show everyone that there is exciting football being played around the world. We’ve witness this tremendous growth in many other countries as well - it’s something you can clearly feel and see. As a federation, we travel around the world in order to broaden our horizons and to see what’s happening in other countries. 

Lina Magull on...

…expectations for the game against Colombia: We know what to expect; it will be a different game to what we saw against Morocco. They will be more aggressive and constantly step on our toes. We’re well prepared for what’s coming our way. 

…Colombia’s physicality: We’re not making a bigger deal out of it than it is. Colombia are helped by their toughness in the tackles, but that’s also something that defines them, it’s how they manage to influence a game. We’re used to that and also always give it 100% in training, including in tackles. It speaks to who Colombia are that they play with a lot of passion. We are prepared to withstand that and will try to play our way out of trouble and look to avoid contact in certain situations. We aren’t afraid; it’s just about having the right attitude. 

…the difference to playing a European team: Teams like Colombia have a certain passion that they bring to the pitch, which I think is impressive. The way they play is different to European football, where the focus is more on tactical elements. What makes football great is that there are so many different faces to it. The good thing about our team is that we are well set up in all areas and are able to play against all kinds of football. 

…what it means to be playing in a World Cup: The World Cup is the biggest tournament you can play in. You’re able to gain so much experience from playing against many incredible countries and players. At the same time, you can also feel the excitement and attention both within Australia, but from home as well. That really means a lot to me and makes us proud as a team, to be able to represent our country. It’s nice to be able to do what we love, and on such a big stage. 

...Alex Popp: It’s amazing to get to play together with Alex. Having her in the team is great, because we all know how good she is. She’s always a threat inside the box. She’s a leader and exudes confidence. She’s someone that you can look to within the team. I really respect her as a player but also as a person.