
Poland/Ukraine will host EURO 2012

The 2012 UEFA European Championships will be held in Poland and Ukraine. The decision was made public today at 11.30 A.M. by the UEFA Executive Committee in Cardiff. For the first time since 1976, the European Championships will be held in an Eastern European country. The tandem Poland/Ukraine won out against Italy and another tandem bid, Croatia/Hungary.

DFB President Dr. Theo Zwanziger stated in a first reaction: „Both associations showed tremendous creativity and passion throughout the bidding process. Their positive spirit was rewarded today. Without a doubt, Italy will be disappointed, but everybody has to respect today’s UEFA decision.”

The UEFA Executive Committee reached its verdict by a majority of eight from the 12 votes cast. Both Poland and Ukraine will hold matches in four venues at the 2012 tournament. The projected Polish locations are Gdansk, Poznan, Warsaw and Wroclaw. Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kiev and Lvov are the proposed host cities in Ukraine.

Joachim Löw: "Football will benefit in both countries"

"Poland/Ukraine has been chosen and they are a worthy winner", said Michel Platini. "However, there are no losers today, only bids that have not won this time around."

Meanwhile, Germany’s National Coach Joachim Löw said: “Again we have a tandem hosting the UEFA European Championships, just as Belgium and the Netherlands did in 2000 or Austria and Switzland will in 2008. Fans in Poland and the Ukraine will catch EURO fever now. I am sure that our game will benefit in both countries.”

Oliver Bierhoff, Manager of the German national team said: “I see this decision as a sign that UEFA intends to strengthen the football infrastructure in both countries.”

The announcement took place in the City Hall of Cardiff (Wales).

Italy and the two country tandems gave a final presentation of their bid to the 14 members of the UEFA Executive Committee on Tuesday. Since two members of this electoral committee were citizens of an applying country, the number of votes was reduced to 12:

Michel Platini (France, President), Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder (Germany, Vice-President), Senes Erzik (Turkey, Vice-President), Geoffrey Thompson (England, Vice-President), Angel Maria Villar Llona (Spain, Vice-President), Marios N. Lefkaritis (Cypress, Treasurer), Wjatscheslew Koloskow (Russia, Member), Gilberto Madail (Portugal, Member), Joseph Mifsud (Malta, Member), Per Ravn Omdal (Norway, Member), Mircea Sandu (Rumania, Member), Mathieu Sprengers (Netherlands, Member).

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The 2012 UEFA European Championships will be held in Poland and Ukraine. The decision was made public today at 11.30 A.M. by the UEFA Executive Committee in Cardiff. For the first time since 1976, the European Championships will be held in an Eastern European country. The tandem Poland/Ukraine won out against Italy and another tandem bid, Croatia/Hungary.

DFB President Dr. Theo Zwanziger stated in a first reaction: „Both associations showed tremendous creativity and passion throughout the bidding process. Their positive spirit was rewarded today. Without a doubt, Italy will be disappointed, but everybody has to respect today’s UEFA decision.”

The UEFA Executive Committee reached its verdict by a majority of eight from the 12 votes cast. Both Poland and Ukraine will hold matches in four venues at the 2012 tournament. The projected Polish locations are Gdansk, Poznan, Warsaw and Wroclaw. Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kiev and Lvov are the proposed host cities in Ukraine.

Joachim Löw: "Football will benefit in both countries"

"Poland/Ukraine has been chosen and they are a worthy winner", said Michel Platini. "However, there are no losers today, only bids that have not won this time around."

Meanwhile, Germany’s National Coach Joachim Löw said: “Again we have a tandem hosting the UEFA European Championships, just as Belgium and the Netherlands did in 2000 or Austria and Switzland will in 2008. Fans in Poland and the Ukraine will catch EURO fever now. I am sure that our game will benefit in both countries.”

Oliver Bierhoff, Manager of the German national team said: “I see this decision as a sign that UEFA intends to strengthen the football infrastructure in both countries.”

The announcement took place in the City Hall of Cardiff (Wales).

Italy and the two country tandems gave a final presentation of their bid to the 14 members of the UEFA Executive Committee on Tuesday. Since two members of this electoral committee were citizens of an applying country, the number of votes was reduced to 12:

Michel Platini (France, President), Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder (Germany, Vice-President), Senes Erzik (Turkey, Vice-President), Geoffrey Thompson (England, Vice-President), Angel Maria Villar Llona (Spain, Vice-President), Marios N. Lefkaritis (Cypress, Treasurer), Wjatscheslew Koloskow (Russia, Member), Gilberto Madail (Portugal, Member), Joseph Mifsud (Malta, Member), Per Ravn Omdal (Norway, Member), Mircea Sandu (Rumania, Member), Mathieu Sprengers (Netherlands, Member).